My urban fantasy ebook, Mystic Bonds, is now out! If you’d like a teaser check out my previous posts in my blog. However, here is another excerpt. I’m also looking for betareaders for Book 2. And if you have already read the book please leave a review!

Charles handed me his basket and pulled out his handgun from his holster. We carefully walked towards the soldier, looking down the aisles on our left as we passed them. I looked to my right, checking the front registers and photo area. I stopped. A dark figure suddenly appeared behind one of the cash registers. Then, he or she, disappeared in a blink.
“Charles, there was someone near the register,” I whispered, still staring at the front, willing the figure to reappear.
When I didn’t hear Charles walking over, I turned my head but there was no one. Just the down soldier. I spun around, panic quickly taking hold of me. “Charles!” I shouted.
“He won’t hear you,” said a familiar male voice.
I gasped.
I felt like my heart went into my throat. My legs were weak and I dropped the baskets. Painful goosebumps appeared on my arms. He was behind me. I could feel his presence. I didn’t want to turn. Didn’t want to face that nightmare just yet.
“Phillip,” I whispered without thinking. I didn’t know why I called his name. Perhaps because he had helped me in all my other times against David. However, there was no answer.
“It’s good to see you,” David said. I heard his footsteps walk closer to me and I tensed all over. “Looks like you’re doing well. You look stronger.”
“Where the hell is my brother?” I said in a tight voice.
“Just taking a little nap.”
Amina! Phillip called in my mind. Get out of there. Don’t let him touch you!
“He has Charles,” I whispered back. I looked up at David. “If you hurt him—”
“Then he’ll be hurt.” He was right behind me now. I could feel his breath on my neck and I fought the urge to spin around and rip his heart out. I needed to find my brother first. I balled my fist to control my rage.
“We’re not going back,” I spat.
He pulled my hair back from my neck and leaned in to whisper. “I don’t want you both.” He kissed my neck and my shoulders hunched in disgust.
Amina, you’re strong now. Phillip said, calmly in my mind. Kick his ass!
I sucked in a breath, spun around, and aimed my fist for David’s face but he blocked it with his hand. He was faster and stronger than before. I wondered how many people he drained dry to get to this level.
Use your powers, mi Corazon! Phillip implored.
David gave me a tightlipped smile, his ice-blue eyes almost translucent and dead. I wouldn’t be scared. I was stronger too. I was a bad ass.
I focused my mind on pushing his eyes out of their sockets slowly.
David frowned then broke out in a pained cry, covering his eyes with his hands. I smiled as he hunched over now, screaming in agony.
“Where’s my brother?” I shouted.
“I have people who will kill him if I don’t come back!” David screamed.
I stopped my magic. David ceased screaming and slowly stood up, wiping his eyes. His blue eyes were now bloodshot and streaks of blood ran down his face.
“You have gotten much more powerful, Amina. Oh, yes. I want you back.” He was grinning and his eyes had become wide and crazed.
I felt like throwing up. “I would sooner die.”
“And so, your brother will too.”
Shit. I wasn’t in a position of power here. David was too far gone to value his own life and I had no idea who else he was with. If I killed him, then they could kill Charles in return. “Fine! I’ll go back with you. Release my brother and the prisoners from Pittsburg.”
Don’t do that, Amina. You can get your brother back. We can find the others. Kill this man.
David laughed and the sound stabbed at my stomach. “You are the most powerful being I have ever encountered and I can imagine you have untapped gifts still to come, but that is far from a fair trade. You for your brother. That’s all I’m willing to do.”
This was a chance to try to help the others in the most peaceful way. I had to get David to agree. Even if it was a long shot. “No, for everyone. I’m surrounded by soldiers. You aren’t getting out of here alive.”
He tilted his head and frowned. “I’m not worried.”
Why wasn’t he? How did he find us? Had he been in hiding near the hospital and followed us here? Was he not alone? Were the other soldiers and Erik, several stores down at the supermarket, also fighting off these enhanced humans? Were they dead?
The worry made me dizzy. More importantly, without knowing the safety of my brother, I had no real power to bargain with this asshole. “I need to see my brother before I go with you. I need to make sure he’s okay.”
If you go back with him, you’ll never get out. Just hold out.
“How do you know?” I whispered back to the Phillip voice in my head.
“He’s with an associate in the back,” David replied, eyeing me curiously.
“Take me to him,” I demanded, ignoring Phillip’s pleading voice in my head.
David smiled again and pointed to the aisle in front of me. I slowly walked down the row of cards and magazines; he followed closely behind me. I would see my brother and say goodbye, but Charles would find me. It would be okay.
I felt magic enter the pharmacy before I saw anyone and prayed it was one of the good guys. Hopefully, David hadn’t picked up on it. I didn’t believe that the blood potion gave regular humans the ability to sense magic.
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