
C.C. is a USA Today Bestselling author originally from Baltimore, Maryland. She has actively written fiction since the age of eleven. She is an avid “chick lit” reader and urban fantasy fan. In 2012, she participated as a writer and actress in the 48 hour film project. In her other life, she works in Equal Employment and Civil Rights for the Federal Government. Before becoming a public servant, C.C. briefly practiced law after graduating from the University of Maryland School of Law.  In free time she loves to travel and is obsessed with horror, anime and K-dramas!

About the Blog 

We are a website for the outgoing over 30 set who are active and looking for friends to share in social outings, traveling, networking, mentoring and lifestyle tip sharing.
We should be free to go out for drinks. Free to network. Free to mentor. Free to dream. Free to travel. Free to dance. Free to build. Free to live!


You can find CC on twitter at @catgirl04 and facebook at and Ebook The Mission.


Featured in Everything Girls Love and a guest blogger and contributor to various blogs including Cocoa Fab and She Wanderful. Ambassador for Blogger Week and participant in the 48 Hour Film Project.

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